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  1. Can't open or download the log file, so I can't see what you are doing. Make sure you are on Ground frequency and have selected the correct SayIt phrase. Also, you can try requesting it verbally "<CallSIgn> ready to taxi". Dave
  2. Honestly, I don't really see anything unusual, maybe there is some minor that hasn't caught my attention, I use TAA with FG + AMD FidelityFX at 50, G-Sync + V-Sync on in NVCP.
  3. This is great news. I have the yoke (bought second hand off of ebay!) and it is superb. I am in the market for the throttle and no question, once in stock later in the year I'll be ordering!
  4. Hello, I think I need your help again. Everything goes fine from the beginning, I get clearance (and freq changes to GRND), then approval for pushback and engine start, but as soon as I request taxi approval, ATC does not respond any any longer. I am using the #say it" button. When I chose the ATIS frequency it works, but going back to any controller frequency ATC does not respond. The chatter works according to the controller frequency chosen. I include a link to the log file and the conversation log file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12v8wBEPwUpTXMWURp_723nrPtn0O6qnf?usp=drive_link I hope you can help. Regards, Dennis Sørensen
  5. Fans of PrecipitFX and aircraft-specific Immersion packs in FSX and P3D may be happy to see a blend of these arriving in MSFS once SU15 launches. Parallel42 has created a 'A global "Visual Effects Utility" covering a range of immersive scenarios' with their upcoming SimFX add-on. Various features to bring aircraft effects and their interaction with the environment into the sim world, while keeping performance impact low via 'Dynamic Performance Tuning'. Personally, the price may seem a bit high (£25 incl. tax) and the effects aren't universal on all high-end/complex airliners (that's what the also upcoming Immersion Packs will be for). However, the effects created that little bit of extra realism for me in P3D and this add-on will be bringing more to the table this time round. https://parallel42.com/products/simfx


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Ce site a été réalisé en Avril 2016 sous Joomla 2.2 et mise à jour en ootobre 2019 sous Joomla 3.9


Remerciements à:


- Stéphane Gouzon (F-STZ) pour son apport technique, l'aide à la définition du projet, sa disponibilité


- Bernard Louvergnaux (F-MBLO), pour l'aide à la définition du projet, la fourniture des photos et sa disponiblité


- Francis Hendriks (F-HENF), pour la finalisation des textes, la mise en forme et sa disponiblité


Création du projet: Jean Pierre Auchoberry (F-MJPA)




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