
The AVSIM Community - All Activity
  1. Final? Is there such a thing with Xplane? I saw many comments saying it's not final until 13.
  2. The PMDG MD-11 was my favorite plane by far. Miss it. Spent some time in a FedEx sim, flew exactly like the PMDG. Going to be hard to meet that quality of flight dynamics.
  3. Hey all, could someone please help me out, I am using P3DV5 and I have purchased the TFDI 717 a long time ago, its been fine since a few days ago when it started to give me an activation error when I try to load the plane. Yes i know TFDI have put steps on how to do that on there website and I've tried that and it still does not work. The product on the TFDI client area also says its active. I've contacted TFDI support but there hopeless and are so slow to respond and can't seem to fix my issue. Could anyone help me please?.
  4. Holy word not allowed lol Maybe ask a nigerian prince for funding kick rocks doofus.
  5. Thank you!


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dimanche 19 mai 2024 05:36

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Ce site a été réalisé en Avril 2016 sous Joomla 2.2 et mise à jour en ootobre 2019 sous Joomla 3.9


Remerciements à:


- Stéphane Gouzon (F-STZ) pour son apport technique, l'aide à la définition du projet, sa disponibilité


- Bernard Louvergnaux (F-MBLO), pour l'aide à la définition du projet, la fourniture des photos et sa disponiblité


- Francis Hendriks (F-HENF), pour la finalisation des textes, la mise en forme et sa disponiblité


Création du projet: Jean Pierre Auchoberry (F-MJPA)




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