Flyaway simulation

The latest flight simulation industry news from newsdesk at Fly Away Simulation, the web's largest flight simulation portal. Covering flight sim topics including FSW, FSX, FS2004 and X-Plane.
Fly Away Simulation Flight Simulator News
  1. In the constantly evolving world of flight simulation, GSX Pro has emerged as a game-changer, especially with its latest updates for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). This article delves into the recent enhancements that GSX Pro has introduced, focusing on their impact on cargo operations and overall user experience.
  2. Delving into the latest advancements in flight simulation, this article spotlights PMDG's recent updates to the Boeing 737 and offers a tantalizing preview of the Boeing 777 within the Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) environment. From refined technical details to anticipated future developments, join us as we explore how PMDG continues to push the boundaries of realism and functionality in the world of flight simulation.
  3. Welcome to the latest chapter in the saga of X-Plane, the venerable and ever-evolving flight simulator. With the release of version 12.07 and the anticipation of upcoming versions 12.0.8 and 12.1.0, X-Plane continues to set the benchmark for realism and technological innovation in the world of flight simulation. These versions bring a plethora of enhancements, ranging from refined VRAM usage and more authentic cloud rendering to substantial improvements in flight modeling and graphical fidelity.
  4. In the evolving world of flight simulation, Lockheed Martin has once again stepped up its game with the release of Prepar3D v6. This next-generation simulator incorporates a host of groundbreaking features, enhancing every aspect of the virtual flight experience. From realistic lighting and atmospheric models to improved airports and an optimized update process, Prepar3D v6 has redefined the standards of visual simulation platforms. In this article, we delve deep into the details of the new release, its compatibility with add-ons, its comparison with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and much more.
  5. In the dynamic world of flight simulation, few announcements have been as exciting, or as unexpected, as the unveiling of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Beyond being a mere upgrade or expansion of the 2020 edition, this is a brand-new addition to the long-respected Microsoft Flight Simulator series. It promises to leverage cutting-edge technologies, such as advanced machine learning and graphics, to bring us the most immersive and sophisticated flight simulation experience ever.


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Ce site a été réalisé en Avril 2016 sous Joomla 2.2 et mise à jour en ootobre 2019 sous Joomla 3.9


Remerciements à:


- Stéphane Gouzon (F-STZ) pour son apport technique, l'aide à la définition du projet, sa disponibilité


- Bernard Louvergnaux (F-MBLO), pour l'aide à la définition du projet, la fourniture des photos et sa disponiblité


- Francis Hendriks (F-HENF), pour la finalisation des textes, la mise en forme et sa disponiblité


Création du projet: Jean Pierre Auchoberry (F-MJPA)




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