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  1. I think the flight model seems very convincing (have flown it quite a bit IRL). She’s very light at only 757kg MTOW, hence tends to be a bit twitchy in the pitch axis. With proper trimming though she’s completely stable in quiet air. 45 degree turns and you’ve done 360 degrees in no time. Just remember to use a bit of rudder to keep the turns coordinated. The aircraft pretty much lands herself. Then there’s the most feared/exciting quirk, which is of course the spin of death. I’ve not done that IRL (lol) but it’s convincing enough (albeit quite terrifying) I would say. First time I tried it the aircraft changed spin direction three times and I lost 3000ft before I was able to recover… All in all a fun little bird that I’ve flown a lot lately. Recommended if you don’t mind the slow pace, great for sightseeing / scenic flights.
  2. @Cpt_Piett shouldn’t I say admiral? Maybe you have been demoted for optimizing the software of The Executer one to many times?😂 However, many thanks for your very helpful tutorials ✈️!
  3. "I shall take a little snooze before SU 15 arrives". - Rip Van Winkle
  4. Im not doing betas and this is the 3rd time I didnt need to press alt enter. Weird. sp
  5. What did you bind that P key to though? I thought Developer Pause was the only pause that actually stopped time?


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mardi 30 avril 2024 06:38

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Ce site a été réalisé en Avril 2016 sous Joomla 2.2 et mise à jour en ootobre 2019 sous Joomla 3.9


Remerciements à:


- Stéphane Gouzon (F-STZ) pour son apport technique, l'aide à la définition du projet, sa disponibilité


- Bernard Louvergnaux (F-MBLO), pour l'aide à la définition du projet, la fourniture des photos et sa disponiblité


- Francis Hendriks (F-HENF), pour la finalisation des textes, la mise en forme et sa disponiblité


Création du projet: Jean Pierre Auchoberry (F-MJPA)




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