
The AVSIM Community - All Activity
  1. I was surprised how easy it was to fly the Airbus when I first moved my T16000M to the left side. I built me a somewhat modular rig for all my peripherals and I can mount the T1600M on the left side. Alpha yoke replaces it when flying "yoked" (is that even a word??) aircraft and is mounted centrally with the Bravo permanently on the right side. What took some time to adapt to was a Warthog mounted on a long(ish) extension, sitting centrally between my legs. I thought it'd be super precise - which it is - but my right hand and brain weren't. 🙂 Go figure.... I am mostly right handed, but kick my football with the left foot and my left hand goes forward on all tools with long handles. And brooms. 😄
  2. Great looking Connie against that hazy backdrop.
  3. Why only the mediocre one? If I "Love" some product then I will get the most expensive version that makes financial sense. For instance AMD 7950x3d I may "Love" but for my machine 7800x3d makes more sense in terms of Bang for Buck, so I would go for that. Not a Mediocre one such as 7600. You want the Bang for Bucks.
  4. That's not new, I got that last week maybe earlier. It just chooses the taxiway it thinks is closest to the end of the runway.


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mardi 21 mai 2024 05:59

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Ce site a été réalisé en Avril 2016 sous Joomla 2.2 et mise à jour en ootobre 2019 sous Joomla 3.9


Remerciements à:


- Stéphane Gouzon (F-STZ) pour son apport technique, l'aide à la définition du projet, sa disponibilité


- Bernard Louvergnaux (F-MBLO), pour l'aide à la définition du projet, la fourniture des photos et sa disponiblité


- Francis Hendriks (F-HENF), pour la finalisation des textes, la mise en forme et sa disponiblité


Création du projet: Jean Pierre Auchoberry (F-MJPA)




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